Games Studies /Exercise

Start from 29.4.2024

6.2.2024 -20.2.2024 /Week 1- Week 3
Kong Cai Yi / 0363862 
Games Studies / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Task 1: Exploration


Week 2/ Module Briefing & Interactive design
This is the first week we met Dr. Charles. We were briefed about the module requirements and our final project task. It is a group-based project that requires us to create and design a new tabletop game. We need to form groups of 5-6 people to brainstorm together. 

During in-class activities, each table was asked to come up with a small mini-game to play with Dr. Charles. Our group created a hand game that requires players to use their hands for playing.

Fig 1.1 Week 2 lecture (2.05.24-Week 2)

Week 3/ Vortex and foundry
During in-class activities, we formed groups. Dr. Charles brought some existing tabletop games to our class and let us play them to gain more inspiration for our new game. We came up with an idea inspired by the game Saboteur, which we plan to modify for our new game.

Fig 1.2 Week 3 lecture (09.05.24-Week 2)

Week 4/ Working on proposal
In this week, we continue working on our game proposal and idea, Dr Charles ask us to create a avatar that can put inside our group e-portfolio.
Avatar creating website :

(16.05.24-Week 2)


Module Briefing

Week 1/ Task 1: Personal Game History
  1. Create a google slideshow/canva slides; showing in chronological order your gaming history since childhood till present time. 
  2. Slides Content: 
  • About You. Name, student ID, Programme, specialisation or course (1 slide) 
  • Your Background (1 slide) 
  • When did you start playing games (any games from sports, table top to digital games; which platforms and etc) from what year till now (any number of slides) 
  • Which games impacted you the most and why 
  • What do you hope to achieve and gain through this module 
Click here to access Canva link 

Exercise 1/ My favourite video game & what makes this game highly playable & impactful

  1. Choose a favourite video games that you have played.
  2. Share what makes this game highly playable & impactful
  3. Identify the suitable game principles and reflect this to the framework + playful experiences.

Selected Game :
Title: Township
Genre: Simulation/Management
Platform: Mobile (iOS, Android)
Target Audience: Casual gamers, simulation enthusiasts

In township, Players can build and manage their own town. They start with a small plot of land and develop it into a bustling township by constructing buildings, planting crops, and fulfilling orders. The game involves strategic planning and resource management to ensure the town thrives. Players can interact with in-game characters, complete quests, and expand their territory by unlocking new areas. The ultimate goal is to create a well-balanced and prosperous township, meeting the needs of its residents and ensuring its continuous growth and development.

How to Play?
In Township, players build and manage a town by constructing homes, community buildings, and factories while also managing farms to produce crops and resources. These resources are used to create goods in factories, which are then used to fulfill orders from townspeople and various transportation methods like trains and planes, earning coins and experience points. As players progress, they can expand their town, unlock new buildings, and customize their layout with decorations. Joining co-ops allows for social interaction and collaboration with other players. Strategic resource management, timely upgrades, and participation in events are key to successfully growing and thriving in the game.

My Township

Design of the game:
Township features a dynamic design that blends city-building, farming, and social interaction. Players construct homes, community buildings, and factories to develop their town, while managing farms and animal sheds to produce raw materials. These materials are processed in factories to fulfill orders, earning coins and experience points. The game emphasizes strategic resource management, timely upgrades, and efficient placement of buildings. Customization options allow for personal expression, while joining co-ops fosters collaboration and social interaction. Continuous progression through leveling up and regular events keeps the gameplay engaging and rewarding.

What makes this game highly playable & impactful

Click here to access Canva link 
Presentation Video

Exercise 2/ 
Non-digital to digital evolution and remediating

  • Brief explanation of the gameplay
  • Differences and similarity of play dimension (real life vs on screen)
  • Benefits and disadvantages of three-dimensional

Selected Game : 
Title: Ludo
Genre: Board game
Platform: Physical, mobile devices 
Target Audience: families, casual game


Ludo is a beloved board game that originated from the ancient Indian game Pachisi. It is designed for two to four players. Players must roll a six to get a piece onto the board and can capture opponents' pieces by landing on the same square, sending them back to the starting area. The game combines elements of luck and strategy, as players decide when to move pieces and when to block opponents. With its simple rules and engaging play, Ludo is a favorite for family game nights and has been adapted into numerous digital versions, ensuring its place in the hearts of players of all ages.

Differences & Similarities between digital Ludo and non-digital Ludo:

1. Differences 

2. Similarities

Click here to access Canva link
Presentation Video



I feel that doing this exercise has made me understand the structure of this game better and pay more attention to its design. In the past, I just played the game, but now I realize that a successful game requires attention to many details. After uncovering these details one by one, I find it very interesting and vivid, which is an eye-opener for me. Additionally, I have learned the differences between digital and non-digital versions and the developments over the past few years, which has given me a deeper understanding of the history of game development.


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