Games Development /Task 3: Game Prototype

Start from 25.11.2024

13.11.2024 -27.11.2024 /Week 8- Week 10
Kong Cai Yi / 0363862 
Games Development / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Task 3/ Game Prototype


Week 9/ Prototype Sprites 
This week, during our Week 7 tutorial, we focused on adding sprites like coins and a gem key to our scene. We learned how to animate the coin so that when the player interacts with it, the coin rises and disappears. Additionally, we implemented a feature where the door remains locked until the player collects all four coins. Lastly, we added a gem key, which becomes accessible after the coins are collected. Once the player collects the gem key, the door finally opens.

Fig 1.1 Slice coin (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 1.2 Create Coin collected animation (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 1.3 Add GemKey (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 1.4 Add GemKey (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 1.5 Final Outcome (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Week 10/ Character Sprites
This week, we began replacing the prototype shapes with the actual character model. We animated the character's actions, including attacking, running, and jumping. When pressing the arrow keys, the character can turn left or right. Additionally, we introduced an enemy into the scene. By pressing the left mouse button, the character attacks the enemy, causing it to fall, change color to red, and die.

Fig 1.6 Slice Character (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.7 Flip when pressing arrow key scripts (Left and right) (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.8 Character animation (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.9 Energy #1 (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.10 Final Outcome (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Week 11/ HP Bar, Player hit & Knock back
This week, we added HP bars for both the player and the enemy. I designed the HP bar in Canva and imported it into Unity. The HP bar was positioned on the left side of the Canvas, while the coin display was placed on the right. We adjusted the settings to "Filled" and set the fill mode to "Horizontal," so the HP bar decreases horizontally when the player hits the enemy. Additionally, we implemented a feature where the player turns red and gets knocked back upon hitting the enemy.

Fig 1.10 HP Bar -Player (4.12.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.11 Added knock back scripts  (4.12.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.12 Game data scripts update (4.12.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.13 Player Controller scripts update (4.12.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.14 Enemy HP Bar (4.12.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 1.15 Final Outcome (4.12.2024 -Week 10)


Task 3/ Game Prototype 
  • Students given the task to create the prototype of their game. 
  • The prototype doesn’t need to have the final art asset, and the use of grey boxing is allowed. 
  • The focus should be the MVP of your game.
  • This includes: Coding movements and actions, Coding obstacles and enemies’ interactions, Coding game levels (Logic of the game)
  • Upload to Google Drive and share the link
  • Video presentation and walkthrough of your game prototype
  • Explain your gameplay and elaborate on what has been done and what yet to be done.
  • Include also your asset building or collection progress
  • Link to your blog post for this project

Piece to Pico

Click here to view Art Asset Document

Fig 2.0 Art Asset Document (10.11.2024- Week 7)

Click here to view task 2 presentation slides
Fig 2.0 Piece to Pico  Slides (10.11.2024- Week 7)

LEVEL 2 Prototype

1. Import your scene image as a Sprite asset.
  • Drag the image into the scene to use as a background.
  • Ground and Platforms: Use Box Collider 2D on your ground and platforms for Pico to walk and jump on.
Fig 2.1 Import Art Asset to scene 1 (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

2. Implement a single jump and double jump for your player when pressing the Spacebar.
  • Flip left and right while controlling the Player using arrow key
  • Added double jump logic using a jump Count and maxJumps variable.
  • Ensured the isGrounded logic works properly.
  • Improved the jump logic for cleaner code.
Fig 2.2 Player Controller Scripts (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 2.3 Pico  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

3. Camera follow the player as they move (both horizontally and vertically)
  • Attach the script to your Main Camera.
  • Link the Player GameObject to the script via the Unity Inspector.
Fig 2.4 Camera follow scripts  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 2.5 Camera follow outcome  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

4. Interact with Obstacle
  • Pico can jump on the obstacles (like stairs), push them so they roll to interact with the environment (push the bridge down)
  • Red Obstacle (pushable), Bridge (Fall down and fixable), Floating Platform and Ground
Fig 2.6 Add Box collider for each obstacle (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.7 Obstacle scroll scripts (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.8 Obstacle Scroll (27.11.2024 -Week 10)
  • Red obstacle stops when it hits the bridge, the bridge falls and the bridge sticks in place after falling.
  • Bridge stays in place after falling and the player/obstacle can pass in front of it without moving the bridge.
Fig 2.9 Bridge Fall Scripts  (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.10 Bridge fall effect (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

4. Transforming shape after Pico found missing piece
  • Create two separate sprites or animations for Pico:Without ears (current sprite) and With ears (transformed sprite).
  • Implement a smooth transition using a Coroutine to interpolate between the current sprite and the transformed sprite over time

Fig 2.11 Pico with ear  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.12 Transform setting-duration (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.13 Scripts for Pico transforming  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.14 Pico Transformed  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

  • Player Movement:Single/double jump and flipping logic implemented.
  • Camera Follow:Main camera tracks Pico horizontally and vertically.
  • Obstacle Interaction:Red obstacle pushes the bridge down, which stays fixed in place.
  • Transformation:Smooth transition for Pico to gain ears after finding a missing piece.

To-Do List
  • Level Transition:Add logic to move to the next level.
  • Art Assets: Design & Draw for Levels 3 and 4.
  • Shooting Mechanic:Implement shooting to defeat nightmare creatures.
  • Pushing Block: Enable Pico to push blocks for puzzles or environmental interactions.
  • Wings Effect:Add animation and logic for Pico to unlock wings and fly.
  • Sound Design: Add sound effects for:Jumping and landing, Interacting with obstacles (e.g., bridge falling), Shooting projectiles, Transformation and unlocking wings.

Final Submission

1. Google Drive Link:

2. Presentation Slides
Click Here to view Task 3 Presentation Slides
Fig 3.1 Presentation Slides  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

3. Video Presentation 

Fig 3.2 Video Presentation  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)


Developing the Task 3 game prototype has been an enriching experience that combined creativity and technical problem-solving. Implementing mechanics like double jump, obstacle interaction, and transformation highlighted the importance of precision in coding and gameplay design. 

While features such as Pico’s transformation into a character with ears were rewarding to create, challenges like refining physics interactions and ensuring smooth transitions between mechanics required significant testing and iteration. Observing how visuals, movement, and player feedback work together gave me a deeper appreciation for the balance between storytelling and functionality in game design. 

Moving forward, I aim to focus on completing key features, such as level transitions and shooting mechanics, while polishing existing systems to deliver a more cohesive and engaging experience.


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