Games Development /Final Project

Start from 20.12.2024

11.12.2024 -29.12.2024 /Week 11- Week 14
Kong Cai Yi / 0363862 
Application Design II   / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Final Project: Payable Game


Final Project

  • Unity Project Folder (zip)
  • Unity WebGL Build (zip)
  • Upload to Netlify or any online hosting service and share the link to the playable game.
  • Video presentation and Walkthrough of the game (to ensure what I'm seeing is the same as what you see on your end)
  • Updated Game Design Document.
  • Blog post URL to the exact page/post on this project.

I compiled my three ideas into a Google Docs document, covering the game concept, mechanics, movement, theme, controls, and other details. Then, I converted it into slides for a clearer presentation.

Fig 1.1  Game Ideation Document  (14.10.2024 -week 3)

Click Here to view Game Design Document Slides
Fig 1.2  Game Design Document  Slides (14.10.2024 -week 3)

Art Asset

Click here to view Art Asset Document

Fig 1.3 Art Asset Document (10.11.2024- Week 7)

Click here to view task 2 presentation slides
Fig 1.4 Presentation Slides (10.11.2024- Week 7)


1. Import your scene image as a Sprite asset.
  • Drag the image into the scene to use as a background.
  • Ground and Platforms: Use Box Collider 2D on your ground and platforms for Pico to walk and jump on.
Fig 2.1 Import Art Asset to scene 1 (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

2. Implement a single jump and double jump for your player when pressing the Spacebar.
  • Flip left and right while controlling the Player using arrow key
  • Added double jump logic using a jump Count and maxJumps variable.
  • Ensured the isGrounded logic works properly.
  • Improved the jump logic for cleaner code.

Player Movement:

  • Smooth horizontal movement with customizable speed.
  • Double jump functionality with a limit on the number of jumps.
  • Flipping the player sprite based on movement direction.
Fig 2.2 Player Controller Scripts (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 2.3 Pico  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

3. Camera follow the player as they move (both horizontally and vertically)
  • Attach the script to your Main Camera.
  • Link the Player GameObject to the script via the Unity Inspector.
Fig 2.4 Camera follow scripts  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

Fig 2.5 Camera follow outcome  (20.11.2024 -Week 9)

4. Interact with Obstacle
  • Pico can jump on the obstacles (like stairs), push them so they roll to interact with the environment (push the bridge down)
  • Red Obstacle (pushable), Bridge (Fall down and fixable), Floating Platform and Ground
Fig 2.6 Add Box collider for each obstacle (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.7 Obstacle scroll scripts (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.8 Obstacle Scroll (27.11.2024 -Week 10)
  • Red obstacle stops when it hits the bridge, the bridge falls and the bridge sticks in place after falling. 
  • Bridge stays in place after falling and the player/obstacle can pass in front of it without moving the bridge.
Fig 2.9 Bridge Fall Scripts  (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

Fig 2.10 Bridge fall effect (27.11.2024 -Week 10)

4. Transforming shape after Pico found missing piece 
  • Create two separate sprites or animations for Pico:Without ears (current sprite) and With ears (transformed sprite).
  • Implement a smooth transition using a Coroutine to interpolate between the current sprite and the transformed sprite over time

Fig 2.11 Pico with ear  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.12 Transform setting-duration (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.13 Scripts for Pico transforming  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

Fig 2.14 Pico Transformed  (4.12.2024 -Week 11)

When player go in to the level 1 house, will direct it to scene 2 which is level 2. 

1. Art Asset

Fig 3.1 Level 2 Art Asset (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

2. Load to next scene (Level 2)

Fig 3.2 Load to next scene scripts  (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.3 Load to next scene (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

3. Circle Interaction, Tracking Progress and Mushroom Fade out
  • Circle Interaction: Pico collides with hanging circles, causing them to disappear.
  • Tracking Progress: A counter ensures the game knows when all three circles are hit.
  • Mushroom Fade-Out:The mushroom fades out smoothly (instead of disappearing suddenly) once all three circles are gone.
Fig 3.4 Mushroom Fade Out Scripts  (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.5 Player Interaction modified scripts (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.6 Play Mode (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

4. Add Sound
  • When Pico hits a circle, the circle hit sound should play.
  • After hitting all 3 circles and triggering the mushroom fade-out, the mushroom disappear sound should play.

Fig 3.7 Add Sound effect (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.8 Outcome (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

5. Floating Ground Interactions

Create an effect where the two floating grounds move left and right continuously in opposite directions.

Fig 3.9 Scripts (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.10 Outcome(11.12.2024 -Week 12)

6. Pico Transforming
  • Transforming shape after Pico found missing piece
  • Create two separate sprites or animations for Pico:Without wings (current sprite) and With wings (transformed sprite).
  • Implement a smooth transition using a Coroutine to interpolate between the current sprite and the transformed sprite over time

Fig 3.11 Pico Transforming scripts(11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.12 Pico Transforming (11.12.2024 -Week 12)

Fig 3.13 Level 2 walkthrough  (11.12.2024 -Week 12)


1. Art Asset

Fig 4.1 Final Level with nightmare creature   (20.12.2024 -Week 13)
Fig 4.1.1 Bullet   (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

Nightmare Creature Behavior
  • Enemies move up and down with a sine-wave motion.
  • Gradual movement to the left to simulate incoming threats.
  • Takes damage when hit by bullets, with health points specific to each enemy.
  • Normal Enemies: Require 4 bullets to defeat.
  • Big Boss Enemy: Requires 10 bullets to defeat.
  • Enemy Death:Enemies slowly fade out upon defeat before being destroyed.

Fig 4.2 Nightmare creature placement (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

Fig 4.3 Nightmare creature scripts  (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

Fig 4.4 Big Boss Nightmare creature   (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

3. Shooting Mechanic
  • Bullets are fired from the player's wings by pressing the "S" key.
  • Bullets can damage enemies and are destroyed upon collision.
Fig 4.5 Player Shoot scripts   (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

Fig 4.6 Bullets scripts   (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

Fig 4.7 Player Shooting  (20.12.2024 -Week 13)

4. Add Audio
  • Shooting sound
  • Enemy death sound
  • Final Level Background Music
Fig 4.8 Bullet Shoot  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 4.9 Nightmare creature death  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 4.10 Sound effect (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

5. Flying Mode
  • Horizontal and Vertical Input:
  • Toggle Flying Mode
  • Flying mode included in the revised script , and also maintain the original functionality.
Fig 4.11 Player Controller Scripts (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 4.12 Player Controller Inspector - Is flying enabled  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 4.13 Flying Mode  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Opening, storyline and Level Completed

1. Art Asset

Fig 5.1 Opening and closing design  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

2. Get started button
  • On click button load to Next scene 

Fig 5.2 Activate Get started button  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

3. Typing Effect
  • Typing effect finishes and, after a 5-second delay, the game transitions to the Level 1 scene in Unity.
  • Add typing Sound effect
Fig 5.3 Typewriter And Scene Change scripts (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 5.4 Storyline typing effect (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

4. Background music continue seamlessly across multiple scenes.

Fig 5.5 Version #1 (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Problem: Background Music Continue to level 1.

Modified Scripts:
  • Music only continue at Opening and Storyline Scenes
  • Stop Music for Levels
  • Seamless Transition without interruptions.

Fig 5.5 Version #2 (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 5.6 Opening and Storyline with Background Music  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

5. Level Completed

Fig 5.7 Art Asset (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Fig 5.8  Level Completed Scene  (26.12.2024 -Week 14)

Final Submission: 

Sound track: 
Background music: 

Features Completed
  • Player Movement:Single/double jump and flipping logic implemented.
  • Camera Follow:Main camera tracks Pico horizontally and vertically.
  • Obstacle Interaction:Red obstacle pushes the bridge down, which stays fixed in place.
  • Transformation:Smooth transition for Pico to gain ears after finding a missing piece.
  • Level Transition:Add logic to move to the next level.
  • Sound Design: Add sound effects for:Jumping and landing, Interacting with obstacles (e.g., bridge falling), Shooting projectiles, Transformation and unlocking wings.
  • Shooting Mechanic:Implement shooting to defeat nightmare creatures.
  • Background Music Manager: Implemented logic for seamless background music transition between scenes (Opening/Storyline music continuing, and Level music playing in Levels 1, 2, and Final).
  • Typing Effect: Implemented a typewriter effect for displaying text letter by letter in the game and Integrated sound effects that play each time a character is typed.

  1. Art Asset
  2. Proposal
  3. Unity Project Folder (zip)
  4. Unity WebGL Build (zip)
  5. Upload to Netlify or any online hosting service and share the link to the playable game.
  6. Video presentation and Walkthrough of the game
  7. Updated Game Design Document.
  8. Blog post URL to the exact page/post on this project.
Final Walkthrough Video

Fig 6.1  Final Walkthrough Video  (31.12.2024 -Week 15)

Final Game Design Document (updated)

Fig 6.2 Final Game Document  (31.12.2024 -Week 15)

Final Presentation Slides 

Fig 6.3 Final Presentation Slides  (31.12.2024 -Week 15)

Final Presentation Video

Fig 6.4 Final Presentation Video (31.12.2024 -Week 15)


Finally reaching the final project, it has been quite a challenging journey because game development involves so many aspects. On top of that, creating my own art assets required even more time. After finishing the artwork, I had to add various scripts for player interaction with obstacles, include music, and so on to make the game come alive. It took a lot of time, but I finally managed to complete it.

I feel that I’ve learned a lot in this module. From being completely clueless at the beginning—like not knowing how to use Unity, what prefabs are, or how to add animations—to gradually building my confidence through the tutorials provided by the instructor. Slowly, I started to understand the software better. I’m very thankful for Mr. Razif’s guidance.

Through this final project, I’ve explored and learned even more on my own. I’ve started to grasp the logic behind the development process, how to troubleshoot bugs, and identify issues effectively.


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